Peace Comes
Part of my Lenten practice and discipline so far this year has been two things. One, I've tried to engage myself in three minutes of silence each day for the pure sake of being silent and present to God. Two, I've also tried to keep up on reading the 40-Day Journey with Joan Chittister. For the most part on both of them, I've done alright- not every day and not perfect; but I've done okay.
Today, I want to share a reflection with you from Day 17 with Joan Chittister. For the Bible verse, she uses John 14:27: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
Joan writes these words that I invite you to reflect upon with me today:
"Peace comes when we know that there is something that the Spirit has to teach us in everything we do, in everything we experience. When we are rejected, we learn that there is a love above all loves in life. When we are afraid, we come to know that there are those who will take care of us whatever the cost to themselves. When we are lonely, we learn that there is a rich and vibrant world inside us waiting to be explored if we will only make the effort.
When we are threatened by differences, we come to realize that the gift of the other is grace in disguise meant to broaden the narrowness that constricts our souls. Then peace comes, then quiet sets in; then there is nothing that anyone can do to us that can destroy that equilibrium, upset our inner balance. What is, is, that's true. But what is, we come to see is that God's world is good in all its dimensions. When I finally plumb my own depths, take the measure of myself, find the world within me that is spirit and light and truth, what is outside of me can never destroy my centered self."
The gift of the other is grace... The gift of the other is the freely given thing of God that I most often need to see; and when I see it, then peace comes. Peace comes to bring freedom and balance from which to go on.
Where does peace come for you?
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