As God Loves

"We are not called to relate to God without a world. To love God we must also love what God loves. We are called to love this created world as God loves it. . . . We are to help transform this universe in Christ by seeing Christ in the universe and loving Christ at the heart of the universe." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
de Chardin has become one of my favorite thinkers and mystics in the life of the Church.  He writes a prayer that I have used with my spiritual director about trusting in the slow work of God and helping us to slow down a little bit in a culture that calls for "the need for speed."

This morning, this quote is what I am resting with.  To love God we must also love what God loves.  We must also love the creation and everything it as God does.  Everything in it- that even includes people, and sometimes, admittedly, that's a challenge.  God is active in out world- not some displaced far off entity that sets things in motion and then leaves them to run their course.  God is here, still alive, well, and present.

Where do we see God active?  Where does God come alive for us?  Who do you share those God sighting moments with?  Who could you invite this weekend to join you in looking for God in the created world?

Blessings wherever you go- may you have rich encounters and safe travels.


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