Holy Wednesday

What follows is a devotion that I led for a Community Lenten Breakfast at our congregation on Holy Wednesday, 2018. Lent Lent is 40 days in the life of the church, it starts on Ash Wednesday and goes all the way up until what we call Holy Saturday or the Great Vigil of Easter. It doesn’t include Sundays. Some of you may have been coming to these breakfasts for a long time and some of you might be here for the first time, and I’m glad that your journey has brought you here today. The ancient church usually talks about Lent in the form of a journey. Sometimes, it tends to be a personal one- me and Jesus kind of thing. But sometimes, if you immerse yourself in community, it becomes a communal journey where I share the road with you, and you with someone else, and them with others. We journey to this week- to The great Three Days in the life of the Church- Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil. We retell again the story of Jesus’ l...